

The Taito-ku Film Commission has established a tie up with “Tokyo Location Box”, a wide-scale Film Commission that supports all location filming in the whole Tokyo area, to help promote the services being offered by Taito-ku.

For those who wish to avail of the film support services being offered by Taito-ku FC, please apply by seeking the assistance of a professional co-producer, a location coordinator and an interpreter, who are all residents of Japan. This system is intended to ensure trouble-free communication that may arise from differences in each country’s filming methods and language.
Please follow what is indicated in the work flow diagram below and provide us with the details of your application:

A. Taito-ku Film Commission
Tourism Section, Culture,Industry & Tourism Department,
9th Floor, Taito Ward Office, 4-5-6 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Phone Number: 03-6796-0277
E-mail Address:

B. Tokyo Location Box

Taito-ku Film Commission
Contact Form Here